
We discuss

Conference as part of the exhibition WIR PUBLIZIEREN

with Annette Gilbert, Jan-Frederik Bandel, Rolf Lindner, Anja Schwanhäußer, Andreas Vogel, Eva Weinmayr, Tine Melzer, Urs Lehni, Olivier Lebrun, Lucie Kolb, Tania Prill, Robert Lzicar

Friday, 17 January 2020, 02–07 pm


02–02.30 pm: Somehow different: Necessary differentiations in the area of tension between claim and reality
Lecture by Annette Gilbert (literary scholar, Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen- Nuremberg) followed by a discussion (in German).
Introduction and moderation: Lucie Kolb
(in German)

02.30–03.30 pm: Independent Publishing Archives
Roundtable with Jan-Frederik Bandel (Archive of Independent Publishing Bremen), Rolf Lindner (Archive for Alternative Culture Berlin), Anja Schwanhäußer (author) and Andreas Vogel (Head of the Department of Design and Art, Bern University of the Arts).
Introduction and moderation: Tania Prill
(in German)

03.45–04.30 pm: Radical Publishing Practices Demand Radical Librarianship: Perspectives and Framing Under the Disguise of Neutrality
Lecture by Eva Weinmayr (artist, scientist, professor) with discussion afterwords
Moderation: Lucie Kolb
(in English)

05–05.30 pm: Book routine
Lecture by Tine Melzer (lecturer, Bern University of the Arts) followed by a discussion.
Introduction and moderation: Andreas Vogel
(in German)

05.30–06 pm: Teaching Publishing
Lecture by Urs Lehni (graphic designer, editor and head of BA Visual Communication, Bern University of the Arts) and Olivier Lebrun (graphic designer and head of BA Graphic Design, ENSBA Lyon) followed by a discussion.
Introduction and moderation: Robert Lizcar
(in English)

06 pm: Apéro

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